
Showing posts from January, 2015

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Gold stocks still have a future BUY IF IT HIT 1158 TP 1162/1169/1176 SL 1149 SELL IF IT HIT 1149 TP 1142/1135/1128 SL 1158 HAVE A GOOD DAY. SHAMROZ SHAH



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Ways to Protect Against Breast Cancer

10 Ways to Protect Against Breast Cancer a writer who’s focused on women’s health for the last 17 years, I know all too well the many myths and misperceptions that persist about breast cancer. Even a friend of mine who works in healthcare won’t wear an underwire bra or use antiperspirants because she’s afraid they’ll increase her risk of breast cancer—but she’s never had a mammogram. And that’s just the issue: Misinformation can make us concerned about the wrong things. “Women often focus on claims that wearing underwire bras or using antiperspirants causes breast cancer, even though there’s zero evidence that they do,” says Victoria Seewaldt, MD, director of the breast cancer prevention program and professor of medicine at Duke University. Meanwhile, too many women (like my friend) are delaying screenings such as mammograms that can help catch the disease in its earliest, most treatable stages. Another misperception is that the news is only bad when it comes to breast cancer.

Top ten natural remedies that burn fat

(1)  Eat slowly without tension or anxiety and chew more than usual, allowing salivary enzymes to accrue. Put your attention on the food more than rambling mind or people chatter. Digestion begins in the mouth. (2)  Eat out much less and completely avoid fast food joints. Avoid fried foods. (3)  Eliminate most sugars and all HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), which may be disguised as corn syrup. HFCS is worse than sugar for creating stored fats and affecting the liver adversely. Refined carbohydrates from processed flours and grains are only a short hop away from sugar with their glycemic index ratings. So if you do grains, make them whole grains. (4)  Avoid food additives. Artificial sweeteners are unhealthy and cause neurological damage, even brain cancer. And they don't work. Check out all the obese heavy diet soda consumers. MSG has a list of disguises.  It is also a neurological excitotoxen that endangers your brain and nervous system while making you want to eat more dead food


Natural remedies to Remove Pimple/Acne Scars There are various natural ingredients that you can apply on scars to remove scars from your face. 1. Lemon Lemon is a natural bleach. Vitamin C in lemon helps in rebuilding collagen. When you use lime juice on your acne scars, the spots get lighter day by day. How to use lemon for acne scars • Take a fresh lemon and squeeze out its juice. Apply this juice directly on your scars with finger tips or a cotton ball. • If your skin is very sensitive, diliute lemon juice by mixing some rose water and then apply on your scars. • You can even mix a teaspoon of lemon juice with two teaspoons of Vitamin E oil and then apply this to your acne scars. Vitamin E is a very good emollient with a lots of antioxidants that protects and even improves your skin texture. Make a lemon mask to remove pimple scars You will need: • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp • Honey – 1 tbsp • Almond oil – 1 tbsp • Milk – 2 tbsp Directions: Mix them all and apply on the s

